The Benefits Of The Outdoors Amid COVID-19 Seen Across Studies
Japanese researchers have found COVID-19 infection indoors is almost 19 times higher than outdoors. The findings add to a number of recent studies touting the health and safety benefits of getting outdoors as well as challenges staying active amid lockdowns.

Survey: Parents More Concerned About Their Kids Returning To Sports
Only 53 percent of parents expect their child to resume sports activity at the same or higher amount when current COVID-19 restrictions are removed, according to a new national survey from the Aspen Institute’s Project Play initiative and Utah State University. That’s down from 70 percent in early May from a similar survey by North Carolina State University in partnership with Project Play.

Spenco Footwear Reborn As Waco Shoe Company
Waco Shoe Company’s Co-Owners, Jeff Antonioli and Brad Granger, talked to SGB Executive about the formation of Waco Shoe Company, the strong growth being seen across Spenco’s footwear range and untapped growth potential for Revitalign, Iron Man, Iron Sport, and soon-to-arrive Waco Shoe brand.Antonioli

Sustainability Is Good For Business, New Survey Finds
A new report from the Capgemini Research Institute, “Consumer Products and Retail: How sustainability is fundamentally changing consumer preferences,” finds that sustainability has risen with consumers with 79 percent changing their purchase preferences based on social responsibility, inclusiveness or environmental impact.

Retail Reports Roundup
Retail surveys and studies that arrived last week included Ernst & Young identifying five new consumer segments emerging from the coronavirus pandemic. Others explored back-to-school spending, in-store shopping comfort, holiday spending online, and returning merchandise.

Peloton Eyes Growth Well Beyond COVID-19
During a Barron’s Investing In Tech conversation, Peloton CFO Jill Woodworth discussed the expanding total addressable market for at-home fitness, the brand’s pending move into lower-priced bikes, challenges presented by COVID-19 and its controversial holiday campaign.

Aisle Talk Week Of July 6, 2020
The Top National stories and the Latest headlines across the Active Lifestyle Market for the week of July 6, 2020 covered in the SGB Updates — delivered to your inbox every business day. Photo courtesy Reuters © 2013.

NFHS Director Concerned About High School Sports Cuts
Hearing high schools are facing budget cuts ranging from 20 percent to 50 percent, Karissa Niehoff, Executive Director at the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), said in an Aspen Institute webinar she is “very worried” a wide range of high school sports programs will be eliminated as a result of COVID-19.

Hydro Flask Recovering Smartly As Stores Reopen
Hydro Flask’s sales were down in the first quarter ended May 31, but sales have been rebounding steadily since May as stores have reopened. Officials at Helen of Troy, the brand’s parent, also see heightened interest in outdoor activities due to COVID-19 as a new driver for Hydro Flask’s growth.

Founder’s View: Inside The Grand Trunk Sale With Co-Founder Kevin Kaiser
Twenty years after being founded as The Travel Hammock, Skokie, IL’s Grand Trunk has been purchased by Utah entrepreneurs Andy Stroman, brothers Bruce and Dale Majors, along with company Co-founder Kevin Kaiser. SGB Executive caught up with Kaiser to find out what’s swinging for their hammock and travel accessories brand.

Retail Reports Roundup
Retail surveys and studies that arrived last week included McKinsey & Co. identifying five shifts in consumer behavior since the onset of COVID-19. Others explored how the pandemic has affected online spending, online returns, holiday purchasing intent, brand discovery for Millenials, and more.

Keeping Up With The Dunbars: Neptune Mountaineering In The Age Of COVID-19
When Shelley and Andrew Dunbar purchased Boulder, CO-based Neptune Mountaineering out of bankruptcy in early 2017, they already had their hands full but with their full attention on retail, even in the age of COVID-19, the positive results are showing.

JD Sports Updates U.S. Strategy For Finish Line And JD
JD Sports Fashion on Tuesday committed to developing Finish Line, acquired in 2018, and JD Sports as separate banners in the U.S. marketplace. Officials provided the update while reporting strong sales and profit improvement for the Finish Line chain its year ended February 1.

NPD Details COVID-19 Shifts To Sports Industry
On an SFIA Coronavirus Update Webinar, Matt Powell, VP and senior industry advisor, The NPD Group, explored whether the current strength in fitness and cycling is sustainable; the recent bounce back in golf, running footwear and other categories; and other shifts the sports industry may face due to the pandemic.

Aisle Talk Week Of June 29, 2020
The Top National stories and the Latest headlines across the Active Lifestyle Market for the week of June 29, 2020 covered in the SGB Updates — delivered to your inbox every business day. From the SGB Media family to yours, we wish everyone a safe and Happy July 4th holiday!