SGB Update

Regal Products Announces the Retirement of Pat Farchione

A senior executive and trailblazer in the firearm safety industry, Farchione has been integral to the Regal Product brand over his distinguished career, leaving a “lasting legacy of innovation, leadership and dedication.”

Sticky Holsters Expands Representation with SLA Outdoors

The U.S. manufacturer of concealment holsters and outdoor products, announced a new partnership with SLA Outdoors to provide sales representation across the Midwest and MINK states (Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas).

Sturm Ruger Appoints FeraDyne CEO Todd Seyfert as President and CEO

The leading U.S. manufacturer of firearms announced that Todd W. Seyfert will become the company’s next president and chief executive officer, effective March 1, 2025. He replaces Chris Killoy, who will retire from the company after 20 years of service.

Bill Sells, SVP Government & Public Affairs at the SFIA, to Retire

During his 20-year tenure with the SFIA, Sells has been a leading voice on Capitol Hill. He has championed critical initiatives that have helped shape the sports and fitness industry and has directed successful legislative campaigns and policy initiatives.

SGB Executive