SGB Today Apparel

Story Mfg. Focuses On Sustainability, Ethics

Founded by Bobbin and Katy Katazome in 2013, the brand has grown into a bricks and mortar studio in East London and a brand stocked everywhere from Tokyo to Los Angeles.

Legendary Innovator Gert Boyle: Spanning Generations

The First Lady of Innovation was more than an industry icon and philanthropist. She was a model for the power of the pioneering spirit—venturing into the unknown with vision and determination and leading by example for others to follow.

Local Reach

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Trend Spotting at Rio 2016: Swim Brands to Watch

As it should be, our focus is on the athletes at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio. But being in the business of the trade, we also can’t help but notice the active-lifestyle brands winning prime real estate on the stage.

Nominate Your Innovators of the Year

This fall, SGB will spotlight the people, products and business strategies that push the active lifestyle industry forward with the first SGB Innovators of the Year Awards.