Sports Market Shines for TomTom in Q2; Keep Watch on HD Map Investments
GPS brand reports double-digit growth for sports category during the second quarter. Plus, find out why the latest advances in the field could come from the automated vehicle trend.

Smith & Wesson Moves into Knives
Showing its commitment to invest in its accessories division and diversify from firearms, Smith & Wesson Holding Corp reached a definitive agreement to purchase substantially all of the assets of Taylor Brands, LLC, a leading supplier of knives and outdoor tools.

ICSC: Back-to-School Sales Set for Smart Uptick
The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) said its annual back-to-school survey predicts a robust BTS-selling season this year.

Texas Surf Park Ignored Stop Work Order
The company developing the 160-acre NLand Surf Park near Austin, Texas ignored an order to halt construction on the site last fall after failing to comply with state health codes, according to a lawsuit filed by Travis County Thursday.

Sports Authority Consignment Dispute Exposes Reliance on Big-Box Retailers
The prolonged and costly litigation between secured lenders and vendors over proceeds from consignment sales at bankrupt Sports Authority has exposed just how reliant sporting goods vendors have become on big box retailers – even when they know their finances are shaky.

By The Numbers, Week of July 11
A quick hit of the figures and facts coming out of the industry this week.

Amazon Kills It On Second Prime Day
Marking its biggest sales day ever, Amazon Inc. said customer orders taken during second annual Prime Day, July 12, surpassed Prime Day 2015 by more than 60 percent worldwide. Sales vaulted more than 50 percent in the U.S.

At Friedrichshafen 2016, Europeans See Uptick in Sales With a Few Uncertainties
While last season’s weak early winter (in Europe and in North America) and plenty of talk surrounding Brexit added some uncertainties for the outdoor industry across the pond, the general mood was optimistic.

UBS Global Survey Finds U.S. Athletic Slowdown Fears “Overblown”
A new consumer survey from UBS finds concerns about slowing athletic market growth in the U.S. are “overblown.”.

Foreign Outdoor Brands Gaining In China
Global outdoor and athletic brands grew their share of China’s outdoor product market in 2015 as domestic brands continued to adjust to growing competition.
Sports Authority Strikes Deal with Lenders to Avoid All-Out Liquidation
Sports Authority negotiated a deal with lenders that will allow its liquidation sale process to continue. According to bankruptcy court documents, going-out-of-business (GOB) sales would have ended Friday without the agreement.

Why Was Canadian Tire’s CEO Ousted?
In a shocker, Canadian Tire, the parent of Sports Chek and one of the largest retailers in Canada, ousted its CEO, Michael Medline, less than two years on the job.

Play It Again Sports Parent Sees Q2 Income Expand
Winmark Corp., the parent of Play It Again Sports, reported net income rose 13.7 percent for the quarter ended June 25, to $5.4 million, or $1.25 per share.

Helly Hansen Delivers Turnaround Year
Helly Hansen, which was undergoing a cash crisis at the start of 2015, scored a major turnaround last year.