SGB Today Footwear

Nominate Your Innovators of the Year

This fall, SGB will spotlight the people, products and business strategies that push the active lifestyle industry forward with the first SGB Innovators of the Year Awards.

Live at Outdoor Friedrichshafen – Day 2

SGB is live at Outdoor Friedrichshafen 2016 in Germany, bringing our U.S. readers a glimpse at some of the top trends, news and products coming out of Europe.

A Look at 2017 Street Style at the Agenda Show

The Agenda Show, held June 29-30, 2016 in Long Beach, CA, is a breeding ground for boutique sneaker, skate and surf shop retailers with a killer eye for the street styles that will define 2017. Among the retailers in attendance were Sole Classics — a Columbus, OH urban retailers notorious on social media for its highly […]

Are Smart Shoes a Dumb Idea?

In the race to create fit-tracking footwear, we break down the specs we want and what Under Armour, Lenovo and other brands are promising to offer.

Who Runs The World? Women

The Running and Fitness Event for Women took camp in the Windy City on June 9-10, 2016 for a short-n-sweet show that reiterated the famous Beyoncé chant, “Who runs the world? Girls.”