Black Diamond Grew Net Income 40 Percent in Fourth Quarter

Black Diamond Inc. had net income of $700,000 in the fourth quarter ended Dec. 31, 2013, up 40 percent from a year earlier, accorded to audited financial statements released Monday. The statements confirmed sales increased 24 percent to $60.4 million on g

Police Investigating Cause of Missoula Avalanche

Police in Missoula, MT are investigating the cause of an avalanche that buried and destroyed two homes and buried three people Friday after an official with the local avalanche center said it was caused by a snowboarder…

SCARPA North America Honors KnS Reps

SCARPA North America this week gave its 2013 Sales Rep of the Year Award to Colorado-based KnS Reps. KnS works as SCARPA’s sales team in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico.

Jarden Lifts Limits on Stock Repurchases to $500 Million

Jarden Corporation's Board of Directors authorized Thurday an increase in its stock repurchase program to an aggregate of up to $500 million of its common stock, including unused capacity under the company's existing stock repurchase program…

BEA Lowers Fourth Quarter GDP Growth Estimate

The federal government substantially lowered its estimate of how much the U.S. economy grew in the fourth quarter to reflect more comprehensive data showing consumer spending grew more slowly than first thought…

Fruit of the Loom Efforts in Honduras Recognized by EPA

Fruit of the Loom, Inc., which designs, makes and markets Spalding and Russell Athletic apparel, has been named a recipient of the EPA's Climate Leadership Award for its committment to reducing its carbon footprint in Honduras, which supplies 27 perc

Boston Marathon Bans Personal Bags

The Boston Athletic Association announced a “no bags policy” for the 2014 Boston Marathon to expedite security checks and promote overall safety at the race in the wake of last year's bombing…