SGB Update Footwear

Golf Rounds Played Climb in June

Rounds of golf played advanced 5.5 percent in June and are running up the same 5.5 percent for the first six months of 2023, according to Golf Datatech.

RILA Calls Potential UPS Strike “Kryptonite” for Supply Chains

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) urged a quick resolution of the stalled contract negotiations between UPS and its 340,000 workers represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, describing a potential UPS strike as “kryptonite for supply chains.”

JCPenney Reopens Corporate Headquarters in Plano

JCPenney announced on July 20 that it reopened its corporate offices at the Campus at Legacy West in Plano, TX, which supports 2,000 employees and features an open working environment.

UPS Returns to Negotiating Table with Union

United Parcel Service said it would return to the bargaining table with a better offer for roughly 340,000 Teamsters-represented U.S. workers before their contract expired on July 31.