Gaiam Achieves Record Q4 in 2009

Gaiam reached record levels in terms of net revenue and operating income for the fourth quarter of 2009 by posting explosive internal revenue growth of 18.7% during the last few quarters…

VF Corp. to Open Panama Sourcing Office

VF Corp. will establish a supply chain office to manage purchasing in the Latin America region in Panama City, Panama by October, The Business Journal of the Triad Area reported…

Heelys’ Q4 Revenue Sinks 26.9%

Heelys, Inc. reported fourth-quarter sales fell 26.9% to $11.4 million from $15.6 million a year ago. The company reported a net loss of $1.1 million, or 4 cents a share, versus a net loss of $5.2 million, or 19 cents, in the prior year…

Stage Stores Q4 Profit Gains 10%

Stage Stores Inc. reported its fiscal fourth-quarter profit rose 10% to $27.9 million, or 72 cents, for the period ended Jan. 30, up from $25.3 million, or 67 cents per share, a year ago. Sales fell 5% to $431.7 million from $455.8 million…

San Jose Cycling Classic Expected to Draw 20,000

The San Jose Cycling Classic will be held May 15-20 throughout San Jose in conjunction with the upcoming Amgen Tour of California. The week of amatuer and professional cycling events is expected to attract 20,000 spectators, participants and cycling-relat

Genesco Fourth Quarter Gains Driven by Hat World

Genesco Inc.’s fourth quarter earnings rose 12% and exceeded expectations, driven by strong sales at Hat World and its direct-to-consumer catalog and e-commerce businesses combined with higher gross margins and lower expenses…

February Outdoor Sales Mostly Fueled by Snow

Fiscal 2010 started off strong for outdoor and snow sports sales across the country with several positive factors converging to drive consumers into retail shops. While many industry analysts are pointing to the Olympics as a major growth vehicle, it is h

OIWC Sees 20 Reg’l Events in 2010

The Outdoor Industry Women’s Coalition, which is dedicated to helping women in the outdoor industry advance their careers, is hosting nearly 20 regional events in 2010 with a focus on six regions that are home to a concentration of outdoor companies