SAFETY RECALL: Basis Peak Watches Overheating

Basis, a health tracker brand owned by Intel Company, issued a safety recall of all its Basis Peak watches, recommending consumers stop wearing the devices immediately as they can overheat and burn or blister the skin surface.

Baseball, Climbing Added To 2020 Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) met on August 3, 2016 for its 129th IOC Session in Rio to discuss the future of the games, adding five new sports to the Olympic program, including baseball/softball, karate, skateboarding, sports climbing and surfing.

McDonald’s Markets Activewear Tracksuit

McDonald’s entered the activewear market when on July 30 the fast food chain released a hooded vest and track pant in collaboration with Australian fitness and swim brand We Are Handsome.

OIWC Issues Letter Teasing its Rebranding

Executive Director of the Outdoor Industries Women’s Coalition (OIWC), Deanne Buck, issued a letter to the trade celebrating the organization’s 20th anniversary and teasing the release of its new branding.

Leading Outdoor Brands Commit to Higg Index

A group of outdoor companies including REI, The North Face and W.L. Gore, have affirmed a commitment to use the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index to improve environmental and social responsibility throughout their supply chains.