Moody’s has upgraded The Safilo Group’s long-term corporate credit rating from ‘B2’ to ‘B1’, reflecting both the company’s diminished refinancing risk, following its recent bond issue, and its stable operating performance.”
The Safilo Group is a global designer, manufacturer and marketer of premium sunglasses, optical frames and sports eyewear that owns the Carrera, Oxydo, Polaroid, Safilo and Smith Optics brands. It also owns licenses to design and produce sunglasses and frames under more than two dozen fashion and luxury brands such as Alexander McQueen, Banana Republic, Bobbi Brown, BOSS, Bottega Veneta, Céline, Dior, Fendi, Fossil, Gucci, Jimmy Choo, Juicy Couture, Kate Spade, Liz Claiborne, Marc Jacobs, Pierre Cardin, Saks Fifth Avenue and Tommy Hilfiger.