In response to the letter issued by Thesis Capital Management late last week, Orange 21 co-chairmen of the board, Mark Simo and John Pound, sent a pair of letters, one to Thesis and the other to the company's “friends and constituents” saying that the company had no intention of selling, but rather looked to continue going forward with “organic value creation at an independent Orange 21.”
October 1, 2007
Mr. Stephen Roseman
Thesis Capital Management, LLC
60 East 42 nd Street, Suite 1245
The Lincoln Building
New York, NY 10165
Dear Mr. Roseman:
We received your letter dated September 27, 2007
/s/ Mark Simo |
Mark Simo |
Chief Executive Officer and |
Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors |
/s/ John Pound |
John Pound |
Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors |
October 1, 2007
To our friends and constituents:
In recent weeks, there have been several rumors and storiessuggesting the possibility of a change in direction for SpyOptic as a company. You may have heard or read about thepossibility of a sale, a merger, an acquisition by Spy, and/ora change of strategic direction.We are taking this opportunity to write to you as the joint
Chairmen of the company and, as significant, long-terminvestors, who own, together, approximately 25% of Spysequity. We are writing to affirm our passion for the brandand the company, and, our belief that the future for SpyOptic is bright, as an independent, growing action sportsand fashion brand in the optical and accessories arena. Aswe wind up our key summer season, we want to express ourappreciation to everyone who has supported, and continuesto support the brand, our customers, employees, dealers,athletes, and other friends. We are enthused for what hasbeen accomplished in the past year, and equally enthusedabout what lies ahead of us.In late 2006, as you know, we commenced a turnaround
initiative and began a new process to re-energize and growSpy Optic. We believe we have made substantial progresssince that time. We have simplified the business, cut costs,focused on core products, eliminated unnecessary anddistracting diversification strategies, improved productionefficiencies and lead times, re-focused marketing, rebuiltdealer confidence, and re-energized our core company team.We now look forward to new initiatives in 2008. We have a
great renewed product line for next year that we believe is thebest in the history of the company. We are committed torolling out that product line and seeing Spy through whatwe expect to be an exciting evolution. We will report to you,of course, as that process unfolds.We want you to know that, as significant investors in the
business, we are both committed to the companys future,and we believe that there is substantial value to be createdas an independent Spy for all of our constituents. At thistime, our focus will be on that value creation process. Weare committed to that path and enthused about theopportunities ahead. We look forward to our partnershipwith you as we move ahead to grow Spy in 2008.With best wishes,
/s/ Mark Simo |
Mark Simo |
Chief Executive Officer and |
Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors |
/s/ John Pound |
John Pound |
Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors |