Golf DMD Sales Approaching $170 Million

Golf Datatech, LLC released a study finding that the size of the market for Distance Measuring Devices (DMD) is approaching the on-off course putter market in total sales, and may reach as high as $170 million in annual sales across all retail channels in

Boxercraft Appoints CEO

Boxercraft Incorporated, a supplier of spiritwear, campus apparel, and licensed collegiate apparel based in Atlanta, announced the election of Charles A. Sutlief as the company's new chief executive officer…

Ski Barn joins SMC

Snowsports Merchandising Corporation (SMC), the buying group of specialty ski and snowboard shops in the wintersports industry is pleased to announce Ski Barn has joined the group…

Lululemon’s Q1 Earnings Soar on 16 Percent Comp Gain

Lululemon Athletica Inc. reported revenues jumped 35.1 percent in the first quarter ended May 1, to $186.8 million. Comps increased 16 percent on a constant dollar basis. Earnings catapulted 70.4 percent to $33.4 million, or 46 cents a share, from $19.6 m