OrthoLite Partners With American Trail Running Association

The American Trail Running Association (ATRA) announced that OrthoLite has renewed their partnership, which includes the moniker, “Official Insole of ATRA,” as well as a promotional program to be announced later this year that is tailored to reaching ATRA’s audience of trail runners nationwide.

Study: Early Sports Specialization Tied to Increased Injury Rates in College Athletes

Sixty million kids participate in organized athletics each year with ever-increasing amounts of children specializing in one sport before the age of 14 with hopes of a college scholarship or professional career on the line. However, researchers presenting their work at the AOSSM/AANA Specialty Day reveal that this early intense participation might come at the cost of increased injuries during their athletic careers.

L.L. Bean Resumes Growth In 2018, Bonuses Return

L.L. Bean reported sales reached $1.6 billion in 2018, a 1 percent gain over 2017. Based on those results, the company’s directors approved a 5 percent annual pay bonus to about 5,400 year-round employees and an additional 2 percent enhancement to their 401(k) contributions.

Brunswick Realigns, Streamlines Corporate Finance Organization

Brunswick Corporation announced planned changes to its corporate finance organization, as it realigns and repositions itself into a streamlined marine-focused organization in anticipation of the planned separation of its Fitness business, which will occur later this year.

Despite Slight Rise in Overall Tennis Participation, Challenges Remain

The most recent tennis participation figures indicate an overall increase in the number of U.S. tennis players for 2018, up 0.9 percent to 17.84 million participants, according to the Tennis Industry Association (TIA). But a deeper dive into the numbers show continuing challenges facing tennis, and the sports industry overall.

Amer To Sell Mavic To Regent

Amer Sports has entered in an exclusivity period with Regent, a U.S.-based global private equity firm, for the sale of the shares and related cycling business of Mavic S.A.S.