Amer Sports to Accelerate Growth in Apparel/Footwear

Amer Sports is indicating that under a revised long-term strategy, it will emphasize faster growth in apparel and footwear (softgoods) categories. At an analyst meeting held in New York City on Friday, the parent of Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Mavic and Arc'teryx also updated its long-term financial targets.

“Amer Sports is pursuing faster growth in softgoods by moving to category-based development across brands to build scale in softgoods R&D, product line management, sourcing and manufacturing,” Amer Sports said in a statement. “To ensure local relevancy and winning with consumers, the group will establish a set-up for local consumer insight and reinforce global marketing capabilities. Expanding the distribution footprint both in developed and emerging markets as well as growth in own retail and e-commerce are the focus of winning in go-to-market. The group will continue to drive operational excellence, tight working capital management and gross margin improvement.”

The new long-term financial targets include:
    * Organic, currency-neutral annual growth of 5%;.
    * EBIT of at least 10% of net sales;
    * Annual free cash flow equal to net profit; 
    * Year-end Net Debt / EBITDA ratio of 3 or less.
Part of the strategy for growth in the softgoods segment may hint at some future moves related to Salomon, Bonfire and Arc’Teryx.  In the presentation delivered to analysts Friday, company CEO Heikki Takali suggested that part of the plan for organizing for softgoods growth will be to move to category-based development across brands to build scale, including R&D, product line management, sourcing and manufacturing.  He said the move will “strengthen resources and capabilities significantly.”  For more information on the strategy in outdoor and winter softgoods, look for this week’s issue of The B.O.S.S. Report.

In the Wilson business, Ball Sports division President Chris Considine said they will focus on profitable growth.  Part of his presentation focused on geographic expansion for the division that includes team sports, racquet sports and golf.  He indicated the main focus in the Asia/China market is racquest sports, with great momentum in Korea and a growing China footprint.  In EMEA, he sees organic growth in tennis and golf, with opportunities in team sports.  Wilson also expects continued growth in Latin America.

Amer Sports expects its 2010 net sales to be approximately €1.7 billion and EBIT margin to improve to the mid-single-digit level.

Amer Sports to Accelerate Growth in Apparel/Footwear

Amer Sports said that under a revised long-term strategy, it will emphasize faster growth in apparel and footwear (softgoods) categories. It also plans to establish more marketing teams by region to localize efforts and to expand its own retail stores and e-commerce efforts. The parent of Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Mavic and Arc'teryx also updated its long-term financial targets ahead of an analyst meeting to be held on Friday.

The new long-term financial targets are:

  • Growth: Delivering organic, currency-neutral annual growth of 5%.
  • Profitability: EBIT of at least 10% of net sales.� *
  • Cash flow: Annual free cash flow equal to net profit. �
  • Balance sheet structure: Year-end Net Debt / EBITDA ratio of 3 or less.
Amer said the ” strategic cornerstones” of Amer Sports' development are as follows:

  • Clear portfolio roles and business synergies
  • Faster growth in softgoods �
  • Winning with consumers �
  • Winning in go-to-market �
  • Operational excellence
Amer said in a statement, “All business units will be developed with clear portfolio roles implying that each unit has a specific growth and profitability target with a clearly assigned role in creating scale and synergy for the company. Most group synergies lie within the Ball Sports, Winter Sports Equipment and Apparel and Footwear businesses which are the focus of the group's integration and synergistic development efforts.”

Amer Sports is pursuing faster growth in softgoods by moving to category-based development across brands to build scale in softgoods R&D, product line management, sourcing and manufacturing. To ensure local relevancy and winning with consumers, the group will establish a set-up for local consumer insight and reinforce global marketing capabilities. Expanding the distribution footprint both in developed and emerging markets as well as growth in own retail and e-commerce are the focus of winning in go-to-market. The group will continue to drive operational excellence, tight working capital management and gross margin improvement.”

Amer put out its statement ahead of a planned meeting on September 10 for investors and analysts in New York. At the event, the new financial targets and the updated strategy will be discussed in detail. Presentations will be available on the same day at 3.30 pm Finnish time at

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