Vapur Inc. has partnered with a company that makes water coolers and drinking fountains to deploy refill stations at Glacier National Park for its foldable and reusable “Anti-Bottle.
Vapur said it partnered with Elkay, an Illinois company that makes stainless steel sinks and faucets and water coolers and Glacier Park, Inc. to launch of the Vapur Refill Station Program in Glacier National Park, West Glacier, MT.
The Vapur branded Elkay water filling stations promote the “Be Safe & Hydrated” message, aimed at encouraging and promoting the use of reusable bottles, while providing readily accessible filtered water and helping prevent Glacier National Park visitors from the harmful effects of dehydration.
“With parks around the nation banning the sale of bottled water on premises, adopting the Vapur Refill Station Program at Glacier National Park provides a relevant and necessary solution to this growing, nationwide trend,” said Eric Christiansen, director of retail at Glacier Park, Inc. “We are thrilled to be one of the first to adopt this revolutionary Program into our park and support this unique and highly beneficial Refill Station Program.”
Each year, approximately 176 billion plastic bottles are dumped in landfills or left to float in the ocean. To help combat this problem and empower consumers to make a difference through their own purposeful drinking choices, the Vapur Refill Station Program aims to convey the important safety message of staying hydrated, the benefits of using reusable water bottles and the accompanying reduction to environmental waste at Glacier National Park and parks nationwide. The seven Refill Stations located in highly accessible parts of the park will allow visitors to fill their reusable water bottles as needed.
“Visitors will be able to purchase Anti-Bottles at designated locations throughout Glacier National Park, stay hydrated at the Vapur Refill Stations throughout, knowing they are doing their bodies and the environment good,” said Vapur Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Brent Reinke.
The Vapur Refill Station Program is supported by a number of actions and materials, including:
- Vapur Program Website
- Point of purchase displays
- Pamphlets and posters educating park visitors to stay hydrated
- QR Code encouraging interaction and educating visitors further about the Program’s health and environmental benefits
- “Bottles Saved” Counter on each Vapur Refill Station tallying the number of plastic bottles saved
- Dedicated website for program participants
- Social outreach and community driven campaigns