The North Face recently created a new, separate footwear department within their Research, Design, and Development infrastructure. The new footwear division will operate as a separate department with a new position – VP of Footwear – being established, reporting directly to The North Face president, Steve Rendle. To complement this initiative, investments will also be made in the VF Asia sourcing and technical services infrastructure, including the creation of a new position, VP of sourcing, along with a dedicated merchandising staff and technical development infrastructure.

The Footwear Department’s Product Directors will focus on three key platforms – trail running, multi-sport/hiking, and insulated footwear. Each Product Director will have a dedicated design and development infrastructure reporting directly to them. The North Face footwear line is currently managed by One Step Ahead, a footwear design and development company located in Portland, Oregon. The transition to an in-house team will take place over the next 6 months. The first new product will be seen with the launch of the Fall 2007 product line.