SustainAbility, Inc. released the findings from its consultation of select stakeholders regarding the draft roadmap developed by six footwear and apparel brands to eliminate the discharge of hazardous chemicals from their supply chains by 2020. The brands included Adidas Group, C&A, H&M, Li Ning, Nike Inc. and Puma.
The brands together published Joint Roadmap: Toward Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals on Nov. 18, 2011. With the publication, the brands announced a period of stakeholder consultation to gather feedback that they believe will result in a stronger roadmap and help the industry realize this ambitious goal. The brands asked SustainAbility to conduct this consultation on their behalf.
Between November 2011 and January 2012, SustainAbility captured perspectives through phone interviews and email feedback from over 30 individuals representing a variety of stakeholder groups including academia, chemical companies, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), other apparel brands and regulatory agencies. SustainAbility conducted this consultation anonymously, but has identified the individuals and organizations with whom it consulted in the Appendix.
The findings are not an exhaustive list of every point of feedback raised, nor do they represent consensus. Rather, the document reflects SustainAbility's perspective on the topics that most frequently and prominently came up in phone conversations and email feedback.
The findings are available at Zero Toxics Discharge Initiative.