Americans will splurge a record $9.1 billion in Halloween spending.


The lead-up to Halloween started in August when holiday brands unleashed marketing mayhem even at the local grocery stores – and broke all the rules – to get consumer attention and their spending dollars.

It’s expected Americans will set a record this year on their spooky spending, according to Media Post. The National Retail Federation has predicted an 8.3 percent increase in spending for Halloween, for a total of $9.1 billion. Forty-eight percent of adults plan on dressing up in a costume this year, up eight million over last year, and indications are that two in five Millennials plan to do so as well.

Candy, decorations and cards (print and “e”) will also tap into consumers’ cash in addition to any extras for spooky celebrating — including alcohol.

Media is also taking advantage, and making sure they align their creepy content with the season.

There’s been a notable surge of young adult interest in horror this year; from Get Out to Stranger Things and more. Spooky shows have been making headlines, pulling in unexpected profits and fan fervor.

And then there’s this — Refinery29 reports that not only did the Stephen King adaptation, It, break The Exorcist’s 44-year record as the highest-grossing horror film of all time, but it already has a sequel in the works. Expect to see Pennywise and Eleven costumes galore trick or treating this year.

Halloween isn’t just for kids anymore.

Photos courtesy Netflix and Warner Bros