As part of the company’s recent growth and increasing trade-consumer outreach, The SportsOneSource Group has expanded its social media presence across multiple channels, reaching more influencers in the active lifestyle industry on a daily basis. The push to increase platform awareness will be done through an SGB Media initiative designed to distinguish The SportsOneSource Group from other active lifestyle information providers.

The SportsOneSource Official Instagram, @sportsonesource

This move toward a heightened social presence, reporting on people, events, gear and more, makes SGB Media currently the only active lifestyle trade media group pushing multiple social channels daily in order to serve clients, readers and industry professionals.

SGB Media is the SportsOneSource pillar under which the 48-year-old SGB Magazine operates. SGB Magazine currently reaches more than 150,000 trade consumers.

The social media push includes increased focus on the SportsOneSource Official Facebook page, SportsOneSource Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. LinkedIn and ISSUU remain critical parts of the media group’s outreach as well. Future growth is planned for YouTube, Google Plus and Pinterest, among other existing and future platforms. 

SportsOneSource sees the charge as a vital next-step in its distribution of news, analysis, sales trending data, consumer sentiment measurement and editorial features to its current audience of global active lifestyle professionals and enthusiasts. Industry events, giveaways, meet-ups and more will be shared in an exclusive look behind the scenes of the outdoor industry.

Readers can expect cutting-edge, original content from combined efforts from the company’s four business pillars: SGB Media, SSI Data, SSI Research and SGB Jobs. Each of these categories will also be expanding their tailored social media reach to better serve customer’s specific needs for information.

The social media boost puts emphasis on expanding SportsOneSource’s network of retailers and brands to increase connections and networking among manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, athletes and end users, supporting businesses and products that inspire. The company is also working on a complete redesign and relaunch of its digital properties to be debuted at Outdoor Retailer Summer Market in August 2015.

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