Sierra Designs is launching into the new year with a fully redesigned and upgraded website, new product packaging, and refined marketing materials to bolster the companys positioning as a pinnacle brand.
With a technical feel reflecting their dedication to creating outdoor gear of the highest quality, Sierra Designs new website, packaging, and marketing materials will better represent “the superior design, workmanship, and performance of all Sierra Designs equipment.”
Our gear and apparel is designed and manufactured to be best in class, and now our new website, hang tags, and marketing materials better reflect the quality and performance found in all Sierra Designs gear, said Sue Edmiston, Sierra Designs marketing manager. Our award-winning tents, sleeping bags, and apparel deserve the support of marketing that conveys a message of high performance.
The new features streamlined search tools for finding gear, enhanced imagery and consumer reviews for researching products, and heightened Facebook and Twitter interactivity to more effectively connect Sierra Designs shoppers with the right gear for any outdoor experience.
The new website will allow shoppers to purchase gear directly from Sierra Designs, choose from a selection of five other online retail partners, or locate a brick-and-mortar retailer near them.
New hangtags will feature images and graphics that easily convey the message that all Sierra Designs equipment is designed and manufactured for dedicated outdoor enthusiasts who rely on high performance gear.
Other marketing collateral, including Sierra Designs retail POP, workbooks, and trade show booth posters will also feature images and graphics that help support Sierra Designs position as a pinnacle brand.