Rollerblade announced its sponsorship of The Mobile Yoga Workout – a
new yoga method melding the benefits of yoga and inline skating. The
new workout integrates the inherent skate benefits of aerobic fitness,
balance and rhythm to provide an entirely new platform to experience

Yoga was developed to incorporate the natural push and glide rhythm of
inline skating with the mindful breathing and relaxation benefits of
yoga. By applying the basic yoga principal of body and movement
awareness to inline skating, The Mobile Yoga Workout enhances skating
technique, efficiency and performance, which leads to a more satisfying
skating experience.

Kris Fondran, certified yoga and inline
skate instructor and founder of The Mobile Yoga Workout said, “In the
20 years I have been teaching yoga and inline skating as separate
disciplines, Mobile Yoga finally connects the cardiovascular and
muscular benefits of inline skating with the serenity and deep physical
and mental relaxation of yoga.”

By combining various yoga
breathing exercises, postures and skating movements, The Mobile Yoga
Workout provides a platform for the improvement of muscle flexibility,
coordination, strength and endurance. Integrating the basic tenets of a
well-rounded yoga routine with the cardiovascular benefits of inline
skating encourages connection between mind, body and spirit.
Experiencing this connection on a daily basis can improve ones overall
physical, emotional and mental capacities that in turn relieve stress
and improve overall health and well-being.

Kalinda Bogue,
Marketing Director at Rollerblade, said: “Were very excited about the
enthusiasm surrounding The Mobile Yoga Workout. Inline skating has
found an organic partner with yoga “together they embody a modern,
active, outdoor, calming lifestyle pursuit.” As the sponsor of The
Mobile Yoga Workout, Rollerblade recommends the Spiritblade XT skate
model as the perfect complement for your Mobile Yoga routine.