LIVSN Designs, an outdoor apparel company, introduced its Well Worn Gear Secondhand Marketplace to keep its products in rotation and out of the landfill. The platform allows customers to sell their used LIVSN products and purchase LIVSN gear from other sellers, who can also opt for LIVSN marketplace credit or cash.

“We’re excited to be launching the Well Worn Gear secondhand marketplace, which is ultimately about doing everything we can to keep our products in circulation and out of the landfill, and it also provides an easy way for us to make our repaired products available to a broader group of customers. It’s only been open for a few days and the initial response has been a great success,” said Kelsey Ferguson, Marketing Director at LIVSN. “We’re extremely proud of our repair program and of the work we’ve done to keep our products in rotation, and we know there are more and more people who are actively looking for secondhand and visibly mended apparel.”

Foundational to LIVSN is easy access to repairs and a focus on textile circularity. Its Repair Program is a testament. Whether the customer prefers their “darning is done loud or subtle,” the company extends its usage window by “adding a physical reminder that reflects the owner’s unique adventures.”

For more program information, go here.

Photo courtesy LIVSN Designs