Boulder, CO.-based Backpacker’s Pantry, a family-owned maker of “gourmet adventure meals,” revamped its Emergency Meal Kit to include a build-your-own option from three to seven days, including meat, vegan and vegetarian selections. 

Backpacker’s Pantry also revamped its pre-built meal kits for three, seven or 14 days also available in meat, vegan and vegetarian options.

“Our new emergency meal kits are a game-changer in the industry,” said Duane Primozich, CEO. “Not only do we provide the convenience of three, seven, and 14-day pre-built kits, but for the first time ever, we’re empowering our customers to create their own custom kits tailored to their dietary needs. Whether you prefer meat, vegan or vegetarian options, this adds another layer of security, preparedness and personalization all in one package.”

The build-your-own meal kits bundle breakfast, lunch and dinner entrees for a customized check-out. The company’s freeze-dried meals have “a shelf life of up to ten years.” Each meal comes packaged in waterproof pouches. When water is added, they are ready to eat. 

The new options add to Backpacker’s Pantry’s single meal or six-pack entrees. Desserts and breakfasts are also available, including freeze-dried ice cream sandwiches and fruit made by Backpacker’s Pantry’s sister company, Astronaut Foods.

For more product information, go here