The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) named Tony Aeschliman as its new director of public relations. Aeschliman will be responsible for a broad-based effort to promote positive messages about the shooting sports and responsible firearms ownership, with special emphasis on the outdoor writer community.

Aeschliman will serve as the primary media contact on issues related to hunting and conservation, NSSF's Families Afield, STEP OUTSIDE and Hunting Heritage Partnership programs and NSSF's annual Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show.

An industry veteran, Aeschliman was previously marketing and public relations manager of Marlin Firearms Co. Aeschliman replaces Steve Wagner, who recently accepted a position with Blue Heron Communications.

“We are thrilled to have Tony on board here at NSSF,” said Doug Painter, NSSF president. “His experience in the industry as well as his knowledge of hunting and the shooting sports will prove to be a great asset not only to NSSF, but to the outdoor writing community as well.”

Aeschliman commented, “I am pleased and proud to be part of the NSSF team, a fine group of professionals who are dedicated to assuring a bright future for the shooting sports.”