Mountainsmith, a maker of backcountry equipment and recreational outdoor gear, named Scott Christoffel as its new Great Lakes sales rep.
Scott Christoffel is the principal rep for B.C. Outdoor Group serving the Great lakes region. He briefly served as the national sales manager for Sport Hansa, an Ashville, NC based distributor of European outdoor brands. Scott has a long history of launching emerging brands, including Adidas Outdoor, FITS, Freewaters footwear, Helle knives, Montane, Terra Nova tents and Wetterlings axes. Along with bringing new brands to the market, Scott has worked closely with heritage brands including Kavu and is proud to add Mountainsmith to his portfolio. Scott has worked one way or another in the outdoor industry for nearly 22 years and has been an advocate of teaching youth to learn about and enjoy the world that has shaped him for so long.
“A Mountainsmith pack helped forge my life outdoors,” states Christoffel. “I'm psyched to get the territory rolling and to be working with them after all these years.”
For more info on becoming a Mountainsmith retailer in the Great Lakes region, contact Scott Christoffel at