Masseys Outfitters, which operates four stores in Louisiana, has teamed up with Outbound Software to create a hub for their customers to access local and destination adventures. Masseys customers will be able to quickly locate and book trips with local canoe, backpacking, fishing, and surfing guides. will also significantly expand Masseys ski and snowboard destinations in time for the 2011/12 ski season.

According to Bev Seguin, Masseys.Travel manager, “Once our customers find an adventure or lesson that they are interested in, they will be able to immediately book their seat with a simple deposit. As the trip date approaches, the customer will receive their finalized itineraries, travel documents and a detailed gear checklist which can be directly fed to the shopping cart and picked up in one of our stores.”

The goal of the project is to connect more customers to outdoor recreation. “Our 40 years of experience has shown that if we can show someone how easy it is to get outside, they are far more likely to become an enthusiast,” said Blake Gill, Masseys Fishing Guide and Paddlesport Buyer.

He adds, “We also set early criteria that guides should be unburdened from paperwork, return less phone calls, and spend more time actually on the water or trail with our customers. So, this system, is fully accessible for guides to log in and set their own trip details. We provide the platform and back it up with a full time customer support team.”

The www.Masseys.Travel service is starting out with featured destinations such as; Gulf Coast fly-fishing, Costa Rica surfing and SUP, Colorado ski resorts, and local swamp and nature tours. More guide services are being reviewed and added weekly.