ISO Product Recall Standard Scheduled for 2012 Launch

Early meetings of the ISO project committee that will develop an International Standard for consumer product recalls took place last month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The standard is dubbed “ISO/PC 240,” and the commission decided on a publication target for sometime in 2012. ISO/PC 240 will also coordinate efforts with other ISO committees developing standards for consumer product safety (ISO/PC 243), anti-counterfeiting (ISO/PC 246) and combating fraud (ISO/TC 247).

ISO/PC 240, Product Recall, was established because ineffective product recalls of damaged or unsafe products have resulted in millions of people being injured – sometimes fatally – or becoming ill. 

This new International Standard is expected to help organizations to plan and execute timely and cost effective product recalls following design flaws, manufacturing defects, or inadequate warning labels or instructions – whether the products are still in the manufacturer’s or distributor’s inventory or retail shelves or in the hands of consumers. It is also expected to provide guidance on corrective actions, including repair, placement, re-purchase and public notice, helping organizations to minimize legal risks, and contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty. The work of ISO/PC 240 will apply to nearly all consumer products.

ISO Product Recall Standard Scheduled for 2012 Launch

Early meetings of the ISO project committee that will develop an International Standard for consumer product recalls took place last month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The standard is dubbed “ISO/PC 240,” and the commission decided on a publication target for sometime in 2012. ISO/PC 240 will also coordinate efforts with other ISO committees developing standards for consumer product safety (ISO/PC 243), anti-counterfeiting (ISO/PC 246) and combatting fraud (ISO/TC 247).

ISO/PC 240, Product recall was established because ineffective product recalls of damaged or unsafe products have resulted in millions of people being injured – sometimes fatally – or becoming ill.
This new International Standard will help organizations to plan and execute timely and cost effective product recalls following design flaws, manufacturing defects, or inadequate warning labels or instructions – whether the products are still in the manufacturer’s or distributor’s inventory or retail shelves or in the hands of consumers. It will also provide guidance on corrective actions, including repair, placement, re-purchase and public notice, helping organizations to minimize legal risks, and contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty. The work of ISO/PC 240 will apply to nearly all consumer products.
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