Implus Outdoor brands Highgear, Yaktrax, Little Hotties and Granger's are utilizing a series of Apple iPads for all orders placed at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market trade show August 3 – 6 in Salt Lake City in an attempt to reduce their footprint and paper waste. Retailers will be able to access the Implus B2B website to order and pre book products direct at the show, enabling instantaneous order fulfillment with a very good chance that products will be delivered by the time the customer returns home.
“We are working diligently here at Implus to convert all of our orders online via B2B in an effort to conserve resources and reduce paper waste,” said Todd Vore, President of Implus. “This will also help to make the ordering and shipping process much more efficient at trade shows.”
All catalogs, pricelists and order forms will be located on iPads in digital form for review at the show. B2B orders receive a full-time five percent discount and confirmation paperwork will be immediately e-mailed to customers for safekeeping. Starting next week, all Implus brand catalogs will be available in digital format on the Implus retailer B2B portal.