Head N.V. reported that net revenues for the three months ended 30th September, 2003 increased 12.1% to $116.6 million compared to the three months ended 30th September, 2002. Operating profit increased by $0.8 million to $7.7 million and net income increased by $0.3 million to $2.2 million.

For the nine months ended 30th September, 2003, net revenues increased 7.0% to $269.4 million, operating result worsened by $12.1 million to a $10.3 million loss and the net loss increased by $5.6 million to $16.6 million
Net cashflow from operations decreased from a $3.4 million inflow to a $5.1 million outflow

                  For the Three Months Ended   For the Nine Months Ended
                         30th September,             30th September,
                        2002          2003         2002         2003
 Product category:
 Winter Sports    $      49,790   $   60,018   $    63,233  $   82,425
 Racquet Sports          40,480       41,693       133,180     128,805
 Diving                  12,290       12,847        49,672      51,383
 Licensing                1,451        2,023         5,638       6,754
 Total Revenues         104,011      116,581       251,722     269,366

Johan Eliasch, Chairman and CEO, commented:

“The third quarter has seen a number of positive progressions for Head. Revenues are up in our Racquet Sports division, as we predicted they would be following the launch of Liquidmetal. Revenues are also continuing to grow strongly in our Winter Sports division.

However, there is still a significant impact on our reported numbers from the movement of the euro against the dollar and many of the underlying markets remain weak. Diving division revenues, whilst up in our reporting currency, are still lower in local currency terms.

Whilst we expect our 2003 revenues to be ahead of 2002's, the third quarter results are not indicative of what we expect our full year revenue growths to be.

We have begun to implement a number of restructuring, reorganization and cost saving projects to cut our costs during these difficult market conditions and expect to see cost reductions from the beginning of 2004. However, the cost of implementing these projects has negatively impacted our operating profit in the first nine months of 2003 and there will also be further costs incurred during the fourth quarter.”

Winter Sports

For the three-month period ended 30th September 2003, Winter Sports revenues increased by 20.5% or $10.2 million, to $60.0 million from $49.8 million in the same period in the prior year. For the nine-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Winter Sports revenues increased by 30.4% or $19.2 million, to $82.4 million from $63.2 million in the same period in the prior year.

Revenues increased in all of our product segments due in part to the strengthening of the euro against the US dollar and also due to the positive reaction by the market to our product offering. In the current difficult market conditions we believe that we have both outperformed the market and many of our key competitors and expect to gain market share in a number of our products and geographies.

Gross margins declined in both the third quarter and the first nine months of 2003 compared to the same periods of 2002. This was due to a change in the product mix in the division this year and also the negative currency impact of costs in this division that are largely incurred in euro. The nine months margin was also impacted by a large quantity of close-out sales at the beginning of the year.

Racquet Sports

For the three-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Racquet Sports revenues increased by $1.2 million or 3.0%, to $41.7 million from $40.5 million for the three months ended 30th September 2002. For the nine-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Racquet Sports revenues decreased by $4.4 million or 3.3%, to $128.8 million from $133.2 million in the same period in the prior year.

The increased revenues for the third quarter are due to higher sales of tennis racquets, following the July launch of our new Liquidmetal series. The decline over the nine-month period is due to the very tough market conditions particularly in the US tennis racquet and tennis ball markets that affected our first half results. In the third quarter we saw some encouraging signs, in particular in racquets, and expect them to carry over into the fourth quarter of 2003.

Liquidmetal has been very well received by both consumers and retailers and these racquets have already become some of the best selling racquets in the market.

The timing of the Liquidmetal launch has impacted both revenue and gross margins. Liquidmetal racquets were launched with fewer models and later in 2003 than our higher price point models were launched in 2002. This mix change affects the margins when comparing third quarter 2003 margins with those of 2002. At the same time we should benefit favorably in revenue and margins in the fourth quarter from the later introductions in 2003.


For the three-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Diving revenues increased by 4.5% or $0.6 million, to $12.8 million from $12.3 million in the comparable 2002 period. For the nine-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Diving revenues increased by 3.4% or $1.7 million, to $51.4 million from $49.7 million in the comparable 2002 period.

This increase in revenues was primarily due to the strengthening of the euro against the US dollar and we experienced declines in local currency sales in all of our key markets.

Gross margins have been negatively impacted by these declines in local currency sales and also by the effect of exchange on our costs.


For the three-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Licensing revenues increased by $0.6 million, to $2.0 million from $1.5 million in the same period in 2002. For the nine-month period ended 30th September 2003, our Licensing revenues increased by $1.1 million, to $6.8 million from $5.6 million in the same period in 2002.

The increase was due in part to the timing of licensing income receipts and in part due to the strengthening of the euro against the US dollar.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, gross profit decreased by $0.1 million, or 0.1%, to $101.5 million from $101.6 million in the comparable 2002 period. Gross margin decreased to 37.7% in 2003 from 40.4% in the comparable 2002 period due to lower average prices and the strengthening of the euro against the US dollar (which affected our euro-denominated costs).

Gross profit has also been affected by the inclusion of some costs associated with various reorganization programmes.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, selling and marketing expenses increased by $7.5 million, or 10.0%, to $82.6 million from $75.1 million in the comparable 2002 period. The increase was due to exchange rate effects on these predominantly euro denominated costs and an increase in the allowance for bad debts of $2.4 million.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, general and administrative expenses increased by $4.4 million, or 18.7%, to $27.8 million from $23.4 million in the comparable 2002 period. The increase was in part due to exchange rate effects on these predominantly euro denominated costs and in part due to the costs associated with various cost saving programmes.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, we recorded restructuring cost of $0.9 million arising from the shutdown our US diving and winter sports warehouses and the movement of our US winter sports organization to our US headquarters.

As a result of the foregoing factors, for the nine months ended September 30, 2003, the operating result worsened by $12.1 million to a $10.3 million loss from an operating income of $1.8 million in the comparable 2002 period.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, interest expense increased by $1.6 million, or 18.1%, to $10.2 million from $8.7 million in the comparable 2002 period. This increase was due to exchange rate effects, in particular on the euro denominated bond.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, interest income increased by $0.2 million, or 33.9%, to $0.7 million from $0.5 million in the comparable 2002 period. This increase was due to higher cash on hand and the strengthening of the euro against the US dollar.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, our foreign currency exchange loss was $0.2 million compared to a loss of $4.5 million in the comparable 2002 period. This change was primarily due to the reclassification of non-euro denominated intercompany accounts receivable at one of our euro-based subsidiaries to permanently-invested intercompany receivables.

As a result of the foregoing factors, for the nine months ended September 30, 2003, the net loss increased to $16.6 million from $11.0 million in the comparable 2002 period.

2003 Outlook

Given the current market conditions, we still remain cautious about our full year financial results. Overall, we expect revenues to be ahead of last year. However, including the restructuring, reorganizing and other one-time costs, we expect to have lower margins so that although the Company will continue to record positive operating profits, these will be considerably below last year's level.

Consolidated Results

                       For the Three Months   For the Nine Months Ended
                       Ended 30th September,       30th September,
                            2002      2003        2002         2003
 Total revenues        $   104,011 $ 116,581  $   251,722  $   269,366
 Cost of sales              61,190    70,532      150,101      167,838
    Gross profit            42,821    46,049      101,622      101,528
    Gross margin             41.2%     39.5%        40.4%        37.7%
 Selling & marketing        27,365    27,975       75,142       82,630
 General &
 expense (excl.              8,116     9,792       23,409       27,790
 non-cash compensation
 expense &
 restructuring costs)
 Non-cash compensation         408       164        1,225          491
 Restructuring costs            --       390           --          875
    Operating income         6,931     7,729        1,845      (10,258)
 Interest expense           (3,321)   (3,444)      (8,670)     (10,241)
 Interest income               221       173          546          731
 Foreign exchange gain         266      (478)      (4,517)        (165)
 Other income                  174       (97)         169         (115)
 (expense), net
    Income (loss)            4,270     3,883      (10,627)     (20,048)
 before income taxes
 Income tax benefit         (2,397)   (1,703)        (348)        3,441
    Net income (loss)  $     1,873 $   2,180  $   (10,975)  $  (16,607)