Hanesbrands Inc.'s global social compliance program has been accredited by the Fair Labor Association, a workers’ rights group based in Washington, D.C.

“Hanesbrands is a leader in providing workers with a safe, clean and productive work environment and strictly enforces its global code of conduct for company-owned and supplier production facilities,” said Hanesbrands Chief Executive Officer Richard A. Noll. “We sought FLA affiliation and accreditation because we share the organization’s commitment to high labor standards, and we look forward to continued productive collaboration to provide leadership in the apparel industry.”

The Fair Labor Association works with industry, civil society organizations and colleges and universities to protect workers’ rights and improve working conditions in factories around the world.

After a review process of nearly two years, FLA accredited the social compliance programs of Hanesbrands and Gear For Sports, Inc., now owned by Hanesbrands.

“The FLA is pleased to have Hanesbrands as an accredited affiliated company dedicated to protecting workers’ rights and to meeting and exceeding international labor standards,” said FLA President and CEO Auret van Heerden. “We appreciate the company’s commitment to fair labor standards.”

To earn accreditation, FLA member companies are required to fulfill 10 company obligations, including conducting internal monitoring of facilities, submitting to unannounced independent monitoring audits and verification of company and supplier plants, and managing and reporting information on their compliance efforts.

Hanesbrands has a formal corporate social responsibility program that consists of five initiatives: a global compliance and ethics program for all employees; a facility compliance program that seeks to ensure company and supplier plants meet Hanesbrands’ labor and social compliance standards; a global environmental management system that seeks to reduce the environmental impact of operations; a product safety program; and a commitment to corporate philanthropy assisting the communities where the company does business to provide access to life’s basic necessities.

Hanesbrands scored among the best in the apparel industry for global supply chain compliance programs in a separate independent study conducted by As You Sow, a corporate social responsibility advocate. The San Francisco-based group’s report, “Toward a Safe, Just Workplace: Apparel Supply Chain Compliance Programs,” was published in November and gave Hanesbrands’ code-of-conduct compliance program a letter grade of B, the third-highest grade of apparel companies studied.

In the report, Hanesbrands was noted for having 100 percent of its compliance audits conducted unannounced and for having initial and annual audits verified independently. The full report may be read on the As You Sow website, www.asyousow.org.

In Newsweek magazine’s 2010-11 green rankings, Hanesbrands ranks No. 91 on the list of 500 greenest companies. The company has goals for use of renewable energy, carbon emission reductions, and reduced water use. Hanesbrands earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Partner of the Year award in 2010.

“We have been a quiet leader in social and environmental responsibility for several decades,” said Chris Fox, Hanesbrands’ vice president of corporate social responsibility. “We are making a difference, but we know that there is more to be done. We look forward to working together with groups such as the FLA, As You Sow and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to enhance our leadership in these areas.”