Fieldsheer, a technology company that manufactures temperature-controlled apparel, entered into a partnership with King’s Camo, a designer and manufacturer of terrain-specific camouflage apparel and accessories.

Pursuant to the deal, Fieldsheer will use King’s Camo patterns in its Mobile Warming line (Fall 2023) and Cooling lines (Spring 2023) later in Fall 2023.

Fieldsheer will debut with KC Ultra, one of King’s Camo’s newest patterns—a blend of colors and shapes—that imitates the natural landscape and keeps humans hidden from wildlife.

The KC Ultra pattern will be used in Mobile Warming’s Heated Hooded Jacket (men’s), Heated Vest (men’s), and Universal Heated Hand Warmer. The first items in the Mobile Cooling line to use KC Ultra will be the Men’s Long Sleeve Shirt, Men’s Long Sleeve Hoodie and the Neck Gaiter. Fieldsheer will also use another of King’s Camo’s newest patterns, KC Ultra Aqua. The company is currently evaluating which products will be the first to incorporate this additional pattern.

According to Patrick Deighan, director of e-commerce and marketing for Fieldsheer, the use of King’s Camo patterns makes both company’s apparel lines more appealing to hunters, who make up an important niche market for Fieldsheer.

“Customers who purchase our clothing tell us how much they love it out in the field,” he said. “Whether it’s Mobile Warming for sitting in a duck blind on a cold winter morning, or Mobile Cooling for fishing on a warm afternoon, our products have kept hunters and anglers comfortable for years.

“The addition of the King’s Camo patterns makes our Fieldsheer products even more functional and allows people to fully enjoy their outdoor pursuits.”

For more product information, go here.

Photo courtesy Fieldsheer