Famous Footwear announced the launch of its free app for iPhone and Android. The new app offers shoppers instant access to savings they can earn through Famous Footwear’s Rewards program as well as exclusive mobile discounts and offers. The app allows users to plan, shop and track their purchases, and redeem their Rewards points from their mobile device.

“Famous Footwear’s app gives mobile shoppers easy, convenient access to the shoe styles and brands that fit their lifestyles,” said Will Smith, chief marketing officer, Brown Shoe Retail. “We’ve designed it to make shopping, sharing and saving, as well as earning and redeeming rewards, as immediate as today’s mobile shoppers expect.”

Shopping and Saving made Easy

With the app, customers are just a tap away from accessing account profile details, reviewing or redeeming rewards and finding nearby stores. Key features of Famous Footwear’s mobile app include:

  • My Victories – Digital Wallet: The app gives users more immediate access to the savings they can earn through the Famous Footwear Rewards program. It allows members to redeem their Rewards points as soon as they earn them. Without the app, members receive their Rewards certificates four times a year via mail or email. Using the Digital Wallet feature, users can see their Rewards points and dollars earned at any time. When purchasing shoes, shoppers can instantly apply their digital Rewards certificates to the order to maximize savings.
  • Mobile Exclusives: Inspiring savings, the app’s home screen will feature exclusive offers for mobile users and Rewards members. This will include coupons, bonus point events and more. New and existing Rewards members earn 15 bonus points just for signing up on the app.
  • My Profile: After registering their Rewards account, existing Rewards members can use the app to track past web and in-store purchases, and new members can begin tracking this.

Sharing and Saving Style Inspiration

By simply scrolling down on the app’s home screen, users can access additional style-related features designed to inspire them and provide simple ways to share content via social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter as well as email. Mobile shoppers can use the app for style inspiration and social media sharing tools, which include:

  • LookBook: Customers can shop the season’s latest on-trend styles; browse Twitter and Instagram content; and access the Famous Footwear blog, Footnotes. They can also share their favorite trends, Twitter and Instagram content, and blogs via Facebook, Twitter and email.
  • #MyVictory (User-generated Content): Mobile users can share inspiration of their own, using the #MyVictory feature on Twitter and Instagram. Mobile users can see what trends and updates are most popular via social media posts using #myvictory and #famousfootwear.
  • My Favorites: While browsing for shoes, shoppers can click a heart icon to “like” their favorite styles so they can save and access them later.

The free app is available in Apple’s App Store and the Google Play store or by texting* APP to FAMOUS (326687). Famous Footwear customers can access the app with the same email login information they use to access their Famous.com shopping account. New users can create an account by either using the app to register for the Famous Rewards program or linking to their existing Rewards number.

Famous Footwear has more than 100 brands for women, men and children.