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Executive Movers & Shakers Of 2016

It was a busy year, including leadership changes at Nike, Adidas, Cabela’s, Giant, Keen, L.L. Bean, Timberland, Vans and VF Corp.

The 2016 Bankruptcy Blotter

The collapse of Sports Authority certainly waylaid the industry, but it was far from the only bankruptcy filing to take place this year.

In 2016, The M&A Train Kept Chugging Along

While the industry lacked many blockbuster deals, mergers & acquisitions continued at a steady clip in 2016. Here’s a round-up of all the M&A action.

Coleman Secures Review To Lower Duty Rates

The General Accounting Office confirmed it will review how the Foreign Trade Zone Board reviews applications involving textile imports, marking a victory for Coleman’s efforts to launch a new line of Made-in-USA life preservers.

Online, Mobile Sales Outperform On Black Friday

More online shopping, less in-store shopping — that was an easy prediction to make for the kickoff to the 2016 holiday shopping season. Just how big the shift came in surprised even the experts.

Judge Blocks New Overtime Rule

The new rule, which would have qualified millions more Americans for overtime pay, including many working retail in the active lifestyle industry, now stands on shaky ground.

Remington Outdoor Q3 Boosted By MSR Strength

America’s oldest manufacturer of firearms and ammunition reported sales rose 11.4 percent in the third quarter, helped by strong demand for MSRs and a rebound in ammunition sales.