The Confederation of the European Bicycle Industry (CONEBI), which was forged last year by merging
two of the continent's largest cycling trade associations, has unanimously
elected its first board of directors.

CONEBI was formed Nov. 19, 2014 after the Association of the European Two-Wheeler Parts’ and Accessories’ Industry (COLIPED), established in 1960, and the Association of the European Bicycle Industry (COLIBI), established in 1973, opted to merge.

On Jan. 20, CONEBI elected the following board of directors at a meeting in Brussels:

  • René Takens of the Accell Group NV, President;
  • Erhard Buechel, of Büchel & Co. Fahrzeugteilefabrik KG; Vice President
  • Massimo Panzeri of Atala Spa, Vice President
  • Sacha Boedijn of RAI Association, Treasurer.

COLIPED and COLIBI were pioneers in organizing e-bike test rides at the European Institutions and in asking the European Commission for the appointment of a European Bicycle Officer.

CONEBI will combine the efforts of the two organizations to amplify the industry's voice with European policy makers. It plans to continue working with other associations that pursue common objectives, the European standardization body CEN, Industry and mobility experts, and the international press. Its aim will be to foster the continued growth of the bicycle, parts and accessories industries and cycling culture in Europe.

CONEBI will be responsible for the preparation of the European Bicycle Industry & Market Profile (BIMP). First issued in 2009 by COLIPED and COLIBI, BIMP is now recognized at international level as the statistical bicycle data source by excellence and will continue to be published every year to provide its stakeholders with in-depth insights.

CONEBI also expects to be the largest single exhibitor at the Taipei International Cycle Show 2015, which will take place March 18-21. For the past 23 years the joint European COLIPED booth has brought the leading representatives of the European Bicycle Industry to the most important Asian cycle show, giving the possibility to tens of thousands of visitors to be updated about trends and innovations in Europe.

The new website of CONEBI will be shortly available at