Element 21 Golf Co. said that major North American retail chains will be doubling the number of store front that are carrying the Carrot Stix(tm) fishing rods.

Element 21 said it has experienced significant growth, since the introduction of its Carrot Stix line of fishing rods. The rods are being sold by specialty retailers such as Bass Pro, Cabela's, Academy, Gander Mountain and West Marine. Currently only a fraction of these chain stores carry the Carrot Stix line. The strong sell through in the last 12 months has enabled the buyers to commit to further expansion the number of stores fronts.

“The meeting with the major retailers at the ICAST 2009 has focused on the phenomenal success that the retailers are having with the Carrot Stix(tm) line. The significant increase in the store fronts will guarantee revenue growth in the next fiscal year,” said Dr. Hearn, President and CEO.