Ducks Unlimited CEO Dale Hall was honored recently as “Conservationist of the Year” by the America's Wetland Foundation at the Inaugural World Delta Dialogues conference, a major international conference of more than 350 representatives from 15 countries who met to tackle the challenges and opportunities associated with sustaining deltaic regions worldwide, using the Mississippi River Delta as the focus.

AWF recognized Hall for his more than 30 years of service in conservation, and particularly for his efforts to restore the wetlands and marshes of the Louisiana coast. These wetlands provide crucial winter and migration habitat for waterfowl at the southern confluence of the Mississippi and Central flyways and provide valuable habitat for a variety of bird and fish species.

“I am humbled that the America's Wetland Foundation selected me for this high honor. The Gulf Coast wetlands are a high priority for Ducks Unlimited and for me personally,” Hall said.

At the conference yesterday, Hall gave a presentation titled, “The Future of Fish and Wildlife in the Mississippi Delta.”