Concave, a new soccer cleat brand, is being formally launched at soccer specialty stores in the U.S. this fall. The brand was quietly launched last fall in the U.S. at as well as in the U.K. last year at JJB Sports.

Concave's most visible departure from other soccer cleat designs its larger increases the surface area of the ’sweet spot’ by up to four times, promising to give the player up to 30% more accuracy and 15% more power.

“Concave provides players with the confidence to make plays they may not have been able to make in the past,” says Jim Grimes, CEO of Concave Holdings.

Other features to the shoes include a Concave Shank Balance Stabilizer that provides support and reinforcement to the mid-foot area to help control balance between the front and the rear of the foot. Another feature is the MetaGauard, an extra layer of protection build into the boot.

“We've targeted a limited number of doors for our initial roll-out of the new product line this fall,” says Mark Mackay, who heads up the company's global sales and marketing. “It's imperative that our retail partners not only understand the benefits Concave offers but have the ability to explain that significantce to  their customers.”

The company is based in Toronto with subsidiary operations in the U.K., U.S. and Australia and manufacturing operations in Indonesia.