Sporting goods store sales grew 38% in the United States during the five-year period 2002-2007, according to an NSGA analysis of just-released U.S. Census of Retail data. Sales in sporting goods stores, which include full-line and specialty sports shops, rose to $34.49 billion in 2007 versus $25.02 billion in 2002.
The 38% growth was far stronger than the 4.4% U.S. population growth in the same timeframe. “Major contributors to this growth were the expansion of the fitness equipment market with the attendant carryover into fitness footwear and apparel, as well as the increased market share attained by full-line sporting goods stores,” NSGA Vice President of Information & Research Thomas B. Doyle said. “According to NSGA Sporting Goods Market reports, the size of market grew 17% between 2002 and 2007. In that same five-year period, full-line sporting goods stores increased their market share from 21.3% to 28.3%.”
Sales growth was stronger in the full-line store segment, up 44% to $18.66 billion in 2007 versus $12.98 billion in 2002. Sales in specialty sports shops rose 31% to $15.83 billion versus $12.05 billion in 2002. In the previous Census of Retail, sales had also grown more rapidly in full-line stores than in specialty sports shops, 39% versus 12%.