Brooks Running Company conducted its fourth annual Brooks Global Run Happy Report, which showed that running rejuvenates creative juices and improves mood. The survey was done in celebration of Global Running Day.
The survey results found that for nearly all runners (97 percent), running makes their day better. In addition to sculpted legs and a healthy heart, the miles offer a blank canvas for new, creative ideas, as 57 percent of runners reported they’re most likely to come up with their most creative ideas on the run versus in the shower (18 percent) or in the car (13 percent).
“Every year I look forward to the results of our Global Run Happy Report because they bring to life the transformational power of the run,” said Anne Cavassa, Chief Customer Experience Officer at Brooks Running. “I couldn’t agree more that the miles I spend on the running trails are where I do my best thinking. Whether it’s thoughts about work, friends or family, I always return refreshed and ready to tackle the day.”
The survey revelations included:
— Worldwide, 59 percent of runners share their runs on social media and Facebook is the most popular platform (40 percent).
— Whether before, during or after, 35 percent of runners agree run selfies are a must.
— Running can be a natural aphrodisiac with more than half of runners (54 percent) reporting the energy boost from running is a natural turn on.
— For women worldwide, the greatest concern when running is lack of support from their sports bra (30 percent). When they find the right fit, more than half of female runners in the U.S. (65 percent) said they would wear their sports bra in place of their regular bra.
— Nearly half (48 percent) of female runners globally, run or consider running, in just their sports bra. Women in the U.S. are most likely (24 percent) to ditch their shirt while those in France are least likely to run shirtless (73 percent).
— Fifty six percent of female runners always or sometimes wear makeup on the run while 44 percent vow never to sweat it out with makeup.
— Most runners would choose to represent their country at the Olympics by carrying the torch through their hometown (37 percent), or competing in a track & field event (41 percent).
—When asked to pick their dream relay squad, athletes (53 percent) are more coveted than Hollywood actors (19 percent), supermodels (12 percent) and the royal family (11 percent). In last place were the Kardashian sisters (Kourtney, Kim and Khloe), with only 4 percent.
For more information about the survey go here.