Kaiser and Joy Form C-J Rep LLC…

Jim Kaiser and Chuck Joy, two new England paddle sports independent reps have come together to form C-J Rep, LLC Sales Agency. Together they will cover the six New England states, and will represent Malone Auto Racks, NeoSport, Hyper Flex, and the Legacy

BOB Trailers Files Complaint Against Baby Jogger…

BOB Trailers, Inc. has filed a complaint against Baby Jogger for Trade Dress infringement. The suit was filed on June 14, 2007 in Idaho District Court. The complaint alleges that Baby Jogger made a conscious choice to develop their ATS stroller (right) to

Guest Editorial: The Future We Make…

There is a disturbance in the outdoor space. A fissure to some, but more likely, it’s nothing more than an inevitable ripple of the widespread and contagious greening of the industry. It’s a result of folks connecting the dots to figure out what all this

Joe’s Names Rep and Vendor of the Year

Joe’s Sports & Outdoor named manufacturer’s representative Scott Sims of HO Sports/Hyperlite as the company’s 2007 Manufacturer’s Representative of the Year and Columbia Sportswear of Portland, Oregon as its 2007 Vendor of the Year…

Don’t Take My Bat Away’ Launches New Jersey Chapter

As the New Jersey Legislature considers legislation to ban the use of aluminum bats in baseball games from Little League to high school, a group of New Jersey residents is fighting back. The nation’s first chapter of the newly-formed “Don’t Take My Bat Aw

Teva Mountain Games Generate $4.6 Million

Organizers of the Teva Mountain Games released the results of an economic impact study conducted during the event, concluding that the five-day festival generated over $4.6 million in incremental revenue for the local economy. The sixth annual Teva Mounta

NGF Names VP in Charge of Business Development

NGF has named Gregory T.A. Nathan as vice president, with responsibility for business development within the consulting and research divisions. He will work with current and prospective clients, helping them to grow their businesses by leveraging NGF’s re

Globe Sells World Industries to i.e. distribution

Globe International has entered into an agreement for the sale of the World Industries brand to i.e. distribution, based in Newport Beach, CA. Completion of the transaction occurred on June 25, 2007, with the final consideration of $8 million expected to

Yue Yuen First Half Turnover Increases 10.6%

Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Limited saw turnover and profit attributable to equity holders of the company increase year-on-year by respectively 10.6% to $1.90 billion and 0.8% to $169.6 million. Excluding accounting adjustments on two outstanding conve

Pacific Outdoor Equipment to Distribute LAKEN Bottles

Pacific Outdoor Equipment will be the exclusive U.S. distributor for the European brand LAKEN, manufacturer of high quality aluminum and stainless steel drinking bottles. All support and customer service for LAKEN’s U.S. customers will be handled by Pacif

SSL Reports on Board Meeting; Adds New Members

Sports Specialists Limited approved new stockholders, record rebates, exciting and important initiatives, and ever increasing best practices at its June Board of Directors meeting. The specialty buying group added Geiger’s Ski & Sport Haus from Chagrin, O