A4, the manufacturer of uniforms and athletic sportswear, recently coordinated with World Vision and Food For The Poor to send over 62,000 new garments to Haiti.
“With more than 3,000,000 garments in inventory I knew we could find some extra stock we would never miss,” says Mark Mertens, A4 CEO. “We reached out to World Vision to help us deliver product to those who needed it most.”
World Vision had more that 400 volunteer aid givers on the ground in Haiti when the quake struck. They were deeply involved in helping the citizens of Haiti before it became front page news. A full 53 foot container was shipped to Miami for shipment to Port o Prince, Haiti. A4 got the shipment to Miami and world vision took it from there.
“Our athletic clothing is perfectly suited for the tropical climate. Our effort is only a drop in the bucket. Everybody in this business has surplus goods. We took the decision it was better to give them away than close them out,” Mertens concluded. “Everybody in the company got behind the effort. I was touched when our staff added their own cash contribution to the till. We are in a tough and challenging business. It’s gratifying to see our collective humanity come to the fore.”