Adventure 16 named Icebreaker as its “2006 Vendor of the Year” and that Black Diamonds Linh Nguyen has been chosen as “2006 Rep of the Year.” Adventure 16 judges its yearly recipients on a dozen criteria ranging from their dedication to specialty retail, to providing exemplary salesperson education, to giving back to the community and promoting causes which protect the natural environment and promote responsible outdoor education.
“We are very fortunate to be able to work with so many great manufacturers and reps in our business,” said John D. Mead, president of Adventure 16. “Every year, we think about the one company and the one rep who outdistanced the rest. Giving this recognition and thanks is a big deal for us.”
Mead went on to say, “Our friends at Icebreaker have provided us with an innovative, functional and beautifully designed merino wool layering system. They have also given us an exceptional level of support including merchandising, employee education and effective representation. Their dedication to the quality end of the specialty retail channel and their respect for nature, ethics and sustainability, is extraordinary. They never seem to be completely satisfied with what they accomplished last year and as a result continually ask how they can work with us to improve in the years ahead.”
Mead had this to say about A16s Rep. of the Year: “Weve had the pleasure of working with Linh for many years. He is a wonderful advocate for Black Diamond and its far reaching environmental initiatives. He is also a strong supporter of the specialty outdoor retailer and the climbing community. His level of hard work, tenacity, creativity and infectious enthusiasm are invaluable and greatly appreciated.”