With an almost even divide between increases and
decreases in average prices for the 24 categories of athletic and sports footwear surveyed by the National Sporting Goods Association, the average price point for all footwear declined only slightly in 2003. The average price fell 0.3% to $38.88 from $38.98 in 2002. In 2001, the average price fell 3%.
A decline of 1.4% in the single largest category, walking (average price $41.61), offset increases in two other major categories, gym shoes, up 0.7% (average price $26.71) and fashion sneakers, up 2.0% ($32.78).
“The 0.3% decline in 2003, following a 3.0% downturn in 2002, is the lowest average price in the last five years and brings the year's overall average more than three percent below the average price of 1998,” NSGA Vice
President of Information & Research Thomas B. Doyle said. “The strong promotional environment, which carried over into 2003, accounts for the continuing decline.”
With virtually no change in their average price, hunting boots held the No. 1 position as the most expensive shoe in the 2003 sports footwear market. The $64.82 average hunting boot price point placed it ahead of golf, basketball and running/jogging shoes, the average prices of which were $59.90 (-3.6%), $54.50 (-2.9%) and $50.08 (-1.8%), respectively.
The average price for 2003 and the percent change from 2002 for other shoe
categories are: aerobic, $39.91 (+0.5%); baseball/softball, $40.55 (+2.1%);
boat/deck, $29.39 (-4.9%); bowling, $37.29 (+1.4%); cheerleading, $35.76
(-3.1%); cross training, $45.96 (-0.3%); cycling, $48.94 (-8.8%); fitness,
$41.75 (-2.4%); football, $45.71 (+1.2%); hiking, $45.01 (-3.0%);
skateboard, $45.65 (+2.0%); soccer, $33.60 (-1.4%); sport sandals, $23.07
(-5.2%); tennis, $34.16 (+0.9%); track, $51.17 (+8.2%); trail running,
$48.55 (-2.3%); water sport, $14.25 (+3.5%).
The information on average shoe prices will be included in the NSGA report
“The Sporting Goods Market in 2004,” to be published by the Association in
May. Based on a consumer study of 100,000 U.S. households, the report
summarizes 2003 retail sales totals – in units and dollars – for 24 types of
athletic and sports shoes as well as products in more than 20 sport
Also featured are purchaser demographics — annual family income, age and
gender of product user, education of household head and sales according to
region of the country. Place-of-purchase data allow for analysis of the
industry's channels of distribution. Consumer purchases on the Internet are
The report, which NSGA has published for almost two decades, provides selected product sales history for the last 10 years. This allows the analysis of long-term trends. Brand share reports on individual shoe categories are available separately.
The 78-page report is prepared for NSGA by Irwin Broh & Associates, a research company nationally recognized for its work in the sports and leisure field. Cost of the report to NSGA members is $225, to non-members,
$295. Pre-publication discounts are now available. Sustaining NSGA members receive the report free. For additional information, contact NSGA, 1601
Feehanville Drive, Suite 300, Mount Prospect, Ill. 60056-6035. Phone: (847) 296-6742; fax: (847) 391-9827; or visit the NSGA website.