Accell Group N.V. is pleased to announce that the Supervisory Board intends to appoint Mr J.M. Snijders Blok as a new member of the Board of Management of Accell Group N.V. in the position of Chief Operating Officer. As C.O.O., he will be the director responsible for production, planning, purchases and logistics.

Accell Group N.V.'s Central Works Council has now also formally approved the intended appointment. Mr Snijders Blok shall be officially appointed once the shareholders have been informed at the General Meeting of Shareholders on 22 April 2004. The Board of Management will then consist of R.J. Takens (C.E.O.), H.H. Sybesma (C.F.O.) and J.M. Snijders Blok (C.O.O.).

Mr Snijders Blok has occupied various positions within several subsidiary companies of the Accell Group since 1992. He is currently Managing Director of the subsidiary company Sparta B.V.