Director, Brand Marketing | The North Face
Age 39 | 11 Years in the Industry

Courtney leads global go-to-market strategy and consumer-facing brand and content marketing across all consumer touchpoints for
The North Face as Director, Brand Marketing. She joined VF Corporation in 2005, serving in various roles at JanSport including brand director, where she led the repositioning of the brand as a youth culture outdoor lifestyle brand. Prior to VF Corporation, Courtney held marketing positions at Levi Strauss & Company and several advertising and branding firms. She lives in Oakland, CA with her husband and twin girls.

EDUCATION & DEGREE(S) ACHIEVED: Bachelor of Arts, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Advertising focus, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

MOST IMPORTANT THING I HAVE LEARNED: People are the most important part of any job. Find your people and everyday will be more fulfilling.

BEST ADVICE I WAS GIVEN OR THAT I WOULD GIVE: Manage your balance — always come back to your center and you’ll never lose your footing.

BIGGEST CHALLENGE YOU’VE OVERCOME: The ongoing and fluid challenge of adapting to new and emerging conditions. But every challenge presents an opportunity to push through to show commitment, mettle and character.

BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT TO DATE: Professionally, I am most proud of The North Face efforts to connect to consumers by representing our brand message of “Never Stop Exploring” as a state of mind, physically, emotionally, creatively and intellectually. In 2014, I spearheaded a multi-touchpoint integrated brand campaign to inspire people to live a life of exploration, get outside and protect the places we play and love. I orchestrated a partnership with Apple iTunes and recording artist, My Morning Jacket that enabled consumers to support the Department of the Interior’s 21st Century Service Corp initiative. Personally, I am proud to be a dedicated mom to my girls and to set an example everyday that women can kick butt.

BIGGEST LIFE LESSON: Be kind, be confident, be yourself.


FAVORITE QUOTE: “It’s funny how day by day nothing changes. But when you look back everything is different.” – Calvin & Hobbes