Vapor Trail Archery, manufacturer of VTX bowstrings, cables, Limb Driver Pro-V, and other archery accessories, has rebranded to a new “edgier” logo. The new logo now appears on website, packaging and all advertising and public relations materials.
“Our primary goal was to update our logo without compromising the large red ‘V’ in our brand name, which people have always associated with Vapor Trail” said Rick Brule, Website and Design Manager, Vapor Trail Archery. “We really feel that the new logo maintains the red color always used in the Vapor Trail logo, but with the splashy red V more prominent it gives our logo a fresher, more modern flair – and that makes it cool and trendy.”
The Vapor Trail website has also been redesigned to compliment the new logo- with a new background, updates to existing pages, more emphasis on the Limb Driver Pro-V as well as the strings and cables, and a new line of logo wear and gear.
“When we developed the Limb Driver Pro-V, which is our premier product, we wanted to create a new look for the packaging, which is really how the new branding idea was conceived,” said Steve Fondie, Vapor Trail President. “The new packaging was widely accepted by our customers and the dealers liked the look of them on their store shelves, so we ran with it and decided to carry the new look for our entire product line as well as all of our marketing efforts. Over the next 6 months or so, we hope to have everything switched over to the rebranded logo.”