’s website, which specialized in offering discounts for snowboard gear on a one-deal-at-a-time (ODAT) basis, has shuttered its operations. will now add Snowboard products to its ODAT site, which offers a wider selection of action sports gear, including surf and skate.
According to employees of, the site was impacted by what they referred to as “Over-nichification – a malady resulting from taking a good idea a bit too far.”
“We thought that our hyper-focused snowboard niche strategy would appeal to snowboarders and drive sales through the roof,” said Chris Brown, the former site’s merchandise manager. “Now it’s obvious that we took ‘niche’ too far. What started as core became boring and what was meant to be cool left us cold. So, yeah, Bro is dead, but long live Whiskey.”
In the meantime, although Brociety has ceased taking orders, former customers can still review their order history at the original site.