Even as eBay attempts to make inroads into the sporting goods market with its close alliance with SGMA International and The Super Show’s Financial Day program, it seems that the online auction “e-tailer” has also given rise to opportunists that sell stolen sporting goods through its platform.

In a case monitored by the FBI due to the interstate nature of the transactions, Coffee County Tennessee Deputy Sheriffs on Wednesday arrested the comptroller of the Wilson golf club plant in Tullahoma, TN on theft charges. He allegedly sold the product on eBay.

Walter H. (Trio) Caldwell III was arrested by deputies at the plant and was later released on $100,000 bond.
The sheriff’s office, tipped off by a private investigator hired by Wilson Sports, said they had recovered “a truckload” of golf clubs and golf accessories.

There were several hundred clubs recovered but, the sheriff’s office said Friday, “were still counting.”
A determination of possible federal charges to be filed has not been completed.

>>> Looks like “Trio” could have plenty of time to work on his game. No word as yet whether he would be granted Internet access if convicted…