TRAK Kayaks Inc., which sees a big market for urban kayaking, has named Blue Ocean Strategy consultant Robert Schmidt as VP of sales and marketing. Calgary, Alberta-based TRAK makes collapsible kayaks that can be reshaped to couteract weathercocking and other factors using hydraulic jacks.
As Canada’s first Blue Ocean Strategy-certified consultant, Schmidt has been trained to help companies seek differentiation and lower costss under principles laid out in the book “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant.”
The basic premise of the book is that companies should avoid competing in crowded markets, or as Schmidt states, “to swim in red oceans full of sharks and competitors.” Schmidt said he has witnessed many profitable strategic moves where companies went against the flow to create blue oceans free from competitors. Companies like Casella’s launch of yellow tail and Nintendo’s creation of the highly successful Wii.
As an external consultant Schmidt led many companies through the process. Now, he’s looking to lead the process from within.
“TRAK is in a great position to create a highly profitable Blue Ocean,” says Schmidt. “The product is simply like no other. I knew we were onto something amazing when I first saw the ultimate 16-foot kayak pack into a 4 foot golf bag. That’s real value to those living in a crowded city.”
TRAK’s marketing message focuses on showing people how they can experience their city in new ways through kayaking.
“I strongly believe there is a blue ocean of new customers whove set aside dreams of hitting the open waters when they want to because they believe it’s simply not convenient. TRAK is going to shift that,” said Schmidt. “The beauty of it is that finding our Blue Ocean is going to help many active urban residents discover their own blue ocean of a Life Unleashed.”