Tomax Corporation is reporting a significant gain in the number of customers using its Retail Application Hosting Services. Tomax customers can rely on the Tomax hosting services for complete application and environment management. Tomax expects the trend to accelerate as more retailers recognize the economics, speed, and flexibility of the outsourced services model.

“The Tomax service is about time, convenience, and focus. We can help customers get up and running in weeks vs. months as well as provide a higher level of service at a lower cost than retailers can do it themselves. We help our customers focus on retailing, analyzing information and making business decisions — not managing hardware and software!” Says Steve Klingler, Vice President of the Tomax Hosting Services division.

“This is the way all retailers will run. The Tomax model takes the IT “noise” out of our lives and lets us run our retail business. We have been able to significantly increase our focus on retail results rather than IT management,” says Chan Crismon, Vice President of Operations for Air Terminal Gifts.

Tomax customers, representing chain drug, sports equipment, electronics, home improvement, specialty food and retail sectors, who have opted for the outsource model depend on the business continuity Tomax offers in the event of unforeseen customer site outages such as network downtime or utility disruption. The result is higher levels of customer service, reduced system cost, and an increased ability to respond 24/7/365 to customer needs whenever and however they arise.